Green Coast is a local company offering guided wilderness expeditions that connect our guests with the land, sea, and people of Haida Gwaii.

We specialize in multi-day sea kayak trips within Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site. We offer customized expeditions throughout Haida Gwaii, and accommodation at the Green Coast Lodge. 




Paddle Gwaii Haanas — 8 DAYS

 The heart and soul of Green Coast has always been our week long guided trips into Gwaii Haanas National Park Reserve and Haida Heritage Site.  Communal living, respect for nature, and education define our way of being.

Custom Multi-Day KAYAK

Customized kayak expeditions for small groups that would like to organize a trip outside our standard Gwaii Haanas schedule. This options allows groups to choose their preferred dates, route, and length of trip.




Come experience this 13 acre property on the central coast of Haida Gwaii - just south of Tlell. The lodge is a new development for 2023 that will serve as pre and post trip accommodation for our expedition guests, as well as a secluded haven for any visitors to the islands.
Private rooms with bath starting at $250/night. 

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    “Green Coast is run by young locals who are passionate about what they do and whose philosophy is to create a collaborative wilderness adventure that is fun, flexible, and safe. Our trip brought us to ancient Haida sites, pristine beachside campsites, ancient forest walks, bountiful fishing spots and we met plenty of wildlife along the way. I’ll never forget my midnight swim under the shooting stars with glowing salmon and a seal in phosphorescent waters! My only complaint is that no amount of paddling could burn off all the delicious food. ”


  • I can’t say enough good things about Green Coast! The guides are friendly, helpful and a wealth of knowledge. They tailor the trip to each group and are passionate about sharing their love of Haida Gwaii. The food was abundant and delicious. The kayaks and gear were of excellent quality. All the details of transport and preparation were well organized. Truly a great and trustworthy company for exploring this epic area. I have never been one to use guides for my backcountry trips but I would argue their expertise was a must for safety and to maximize enjoyment and opportunities to explore hidden gems!!

    This truly was the trip of a lifetime, worth every penny, and we are so grateful to GCK for making it so incredible!!


  • My partner did extensive research on which company to paddle with and the consensus is Green Coast Kayaking. It's run by young locals who are passionate about what they do and whose philosophy is to create a collaborative wilderness adventure that is fun, flexible, and safe. Our trip brought us to ancient Haida sites, pristine beachside campsites, ancient forest walks, bountiful fishing spots and we met plenty of wildlife along the way. I'll never forget my midnight swim under the shooting stars with glowing salmon and a seal in phosphorescent waters!
    My only complaint is that no amount of paddling could burn off all the delicious food. ;)
    Thank you GCK!


Haida Gwaii

Haida Gwaii is a remote and wild archipelago off the northwestern coast of British Columbia, Canada. Here, centuries-old cedar trees hold strong against the ever-changing north Pacific Ocean, while mist and sunshine alter the landscape hourly. These 450 islands are the unceded territory of the Haida people, home to numerous endemic species of flora and fauna, and an essential breeding and feeding ground for a rich array of wildlife.