This company started operating Gwaii Haanas kayak expeditions in 1981. Since then it’s undergone a few transformations, but the essence of Green Coast has always been about connecting people with nature.
The current owner/operator – Bryce Klee – has been a resident of Haida Gwaii for the past decade, and has been running Green Coast for almost as long. Throughout all this time, our primary service has been the 8 day kayak expedition in Gwaii Haanas, and we feel this is a world-class experience that does not require much adieu - this place speaks for itself. Our primary goal is to facilitate people’s connection with Gwaii Haanas by incorporating high quality gear, trained guides and deep respect for the culture and environment that we carefully pass through. Green Coast has recently invested in a local 13 acre property that we are very excited to develop over the next few years, and share with our guests as part of a more holistic experience on Haida Gwaii.
As a locally owned and operated venture – we are dedicated to giving back to nearby communities and businesses in all the activities we pursue.
Our environment shapes who we are and how we feel. This, more than anything else, is why we are drawn to wild places. Our bodies, minds, and spirits are restored, strengthened, and expanded in nature’s company. In the years we have spent exploring Gwaii Haanas, its’ wildness has taught us much about who we are and how we want to live upon the earth. The character of our kayak trips reflects our commitment to the ideals of community, environmental responsibility, and education.
Much like the small communities of Haida Gwaii, a kayak group works best when its individual members combine their skills to attain goals and withstand adversity. In this sense, the whole is quite literally greater than the sum of its parts as we all share in camp duties and pack around items that a single person could never carry, therefore allowing for a higher standard of living for all. The strength of our groups is what allows us to push through nature’s challenges and enjoy each day to the fullest.
Sense of community, co-operation, and sharing are what bring each group together to unite strangers as friends. On our trips, guides and guests alike learn from one another creating a warm environment in which we grow and explore together.
In a world increasingly altered and scarred by human behaviour, we have somehow been given the privilege to access one of Earth’s last places of raw wilderness. It is an honour to be able to share this opportunity with you. And it is a privilege we want to respect by being mindful of the ways we can help to maintain the environmental well-being of Gwaii Haanas and Haida Gwaii as a whole.
In our lives and business practice, we try to live lightly upon the earth. We consume carefully, reuse possessions, reduce our material needs, recycle and compost everything we can, and practice low-impact camping. We do our best to contribute to the local economy by working with other local companies, harvesting native foods, purchasing vegetables and eggs from local farmers, and hiring local staff. Finally, we hope to give back to our communities by using a percentage of our profits to help fund trips with the youth of Haida Gwaii who might one day lead trips on their own.
While we are not certified biologists, we have spent years living on Haida Gwaii and paddling its’ shorelines. For most of us, this place has been our greatest teacher and it is a joy to share some of what we have learned with you. If you are interested in learning more about kayaking (strokes, rescues, navigation, weather), nature, and/or Haida Gwaii life, we are eager to help.
Though we travel as a group, there is always time for everyone to pursue their own interests, whether that be fishing, developing kayak skills, finding a quiet place to read, taking an afternoon siesta, exploring the intertidal pools, or following a creek up into the forest.
In terms of interpreting the vast cultural and human history of these islands, we are so lucky to have access to the knowledge and expertise of the Haida Watchmen. The Watchmen Program began in 1981 as a means of protecting the natural and cultural heritage of abandoned village sites in Gwaii Haanas. Between May and September, several Haida guardians are posted at each site to ensure minimal visitor impact as well as a welcoming presence at the villages. But more than anything, they bring their ancestral homes back to life and remind us of how, not so long ago, humans were an integral part of the environment we paddle through, and give us hope that we might one day rediscover that connection.
— Bryce Klee, Owner & Lead Guide
Since I was just a pup I have been fascinated by wild creatures and the places they live. My parents can attest to the rows of carefully organized animal figurines that lined my bedroom, divided into their natural environments and likely poised for the hunter-prey showdown that would inevitably ensue. I was very fortunate to be exposed to nature throughout my childhood and will be forever grateful to my family for enabling so many inspiring moments.
READ MOREAfter leaving the nest I spent a great deal of time travelling throughout South America, Asia, and Africa while experimenting with just about every job in the book. I was inspired to pursue tourism and guiding when I realized how well it combined my skills, passions, and ambitions. Haida Gwaii had been on my radar for years as a wild and mystical place to one day explore. So, given the opportunity to re-shape my vision for the future, I committed to ingraining myself in the culture, community, and environment of the archipelago about which I had so long been curious. Upon arriving in Daajing Giids, Haida Gwaii I was inspired by the physical beauty of the landscape and the deep connection to nature that many of the inhabitants share. I am incredibly excited to share in the natural treasure that Haida Gwaii has to offer with all my guests, family and friends (the distinction often gets blurry).
— Clarke, Assistant Guide
Raised among the trees, beaches, and mountaintops of Haida Gwaii it is a place I am proud to call home. Though I was not born on Haida Gwaii there is no other place I would have rather spent my youth, and even today nowhere I would rather spend my time.
After graduating from Gudangaay Tlaats’gaa Naay Secondary School I spent a year traveling around Canada, and exploring the many different landscapes of our country. Upon my return home my appreciation for the vast wild landscape that was my home grew tenfold, nowhere could I find anything like Haida Gwaii.
For many years I had always told my teachers that I didn’t know what I wanted to do with my life. That was back before I learned that I could spend my life adventuring. I began guiding on Haida Gwaii three years ago and haven’t looked back since.
I am Currently studying Biology and Archaeology at Memorial University in St. Johns, Newfoundland I am beyond excited to return to Haida Gwaii this summer and continue to share its jaw dropping geographical and cultural beauty.
— Karen Klee, Reservations and Accommodations
I am here to help you on the initial part of your journey. I will be happy to answer questions you might have about booking expeditions, custom trips, accommodations or getting around the island. Although I do not live on Haida Gwaii, I visit often because two very important things draw me there, aside from the scenery; our son Bryce and his family!
I am a nurse, an educator and an outdoor enthusiast, who thrives on being healthy and adventurous. I have had the privilege to explore many parts of this world with Bryce and the rest of our small family. So, I guess Bryce comes by it honestly! But my ‘super power’ is being organized and will try my very best to get you started off on the right track, by responding to your emails and requests in a timely manner so that the rest of this crew can take you away on an amazing adventure of your own.